Megan* (not her real name) is a young parent who has been supported by Romsey Mill’s Young Parents team since being pregnant.

Megan* (20) and her partner, Robin* (19), were facing a number of challenges. Megan was living in the family home and Robin was living in a local young people’s hostel.

Shortly after the birth, Megan and the baby needed to move out of the family home. Christian and Lee (Young Parents Workers) supported Megan to move into temporary accommodation, transporting 2 carloads of belongings for Megan and baby.

This action helped to ease tensions with the family at such a stressful time. Christian also made referrals to Emmaus and Besom for furniture and curtains, creating a home with places to sit, sleep and eat.

A referral to Cambridge Aid enabled the family to get a buggy which suited the family’s needs and enabled Megan to get outdoors with the baby.  

Here, Megan shares her story and talks about the difference that Romsey Mill's support made in her life:

"When I first met with Romsey Mill’s Young Parents team, I was in a bad place mentally and environmentally. However, with the help of the team I’ve managed to stabilise my mental health and finally get a home for me and my family. And now I also finally feel safe in my space.

Romsey Mill’s Young Parents workers have helped so much in enabling me to become a better mum and have an understanding of life itself.

They have helped me and my partner through some of the most difficult challenges we will face and not once did we feel judged. Even though were young parents we were looked at like “normal” parents which has helped so much.

They’ve helped me so much grow as a mum but also as a person.

Just before prices went up, due to living costs going up, the Young Parents team had a chat with us one-to-one and also in group settings about what help was out there for us. I wouldn’t have known about this if it wasn’t for them. 

I’m very anxious and even though my child is now too old for baby group Romsey Mill’s care hasn’t stopped. One of their Young Parents Workers, called Christian, has done wonders with me by helping me go out to toddler groups that are closer to my new home and explore the area. The toddler groups, although very scary at the start, has had a massive impact on my child who has loved it there.   

All they do for us young parents is highly appreciated by everyone who gets a chance to go to their groups, but also the one-to-one support.

The team makes sure that even if your worker is on holiday there’s someone you can contact if you need which has been helpful at times. They’ve also supplied us with clothes and nappies when money’s been tight and when we felt like the world was against us they showed us that it’s really not.  

The courses they offer are a variety that’s really good, as you can learn skills you’d have never even thought about before. The work they do is above and beyond their pay rolls but that still doesn’t stop them being kind and they also check in with you.

The courses that I have been on has helped shaped me and find my passions for my future for when my children are older.

My partner has had such good support from the Young Fathers worker, Lee, in looking for work, helping with financial issues.

The Young Parents Team aren’t just staff members they’re the people you can turn to if you’re struggling, and they’re the people you can have a laugh with.

It’s nice especially when you need a chat and don’t realise you need a chat. They also open their doors with a smile on their faces what helps us put smiles on ours so it’s been very helpful and made a massive difference to my life and my family’s life, which I’m forever grateful for. "


*Names changed to protect identity.